Get Involved with BLK Girl Space.

Join us in making a difference! BLK Girl Space thrives through the support and active participation of our community. There are many ways you can get involved and contribute to our mission of empowering black women on their healing journeys.

Find out how you can get involved.

Lets Connect

Ways to Get Involved.

  • Our free monthly group sessions are for black women to share space with other black women in a three hour session with a licensed professional. Each month will be a different topic for us to dissect. If you are a licensed professional (therapist, psychiatrist, doctor, nurse, or mental health advocate of any sort), we will love to connect with you and have you a part of our space. If interested, please complete this interest form..

    A team member will connect with you within 24 - 48 hours.

    • Assist with events, workshops, and daily operations.

    • Help with outreach and community engagement efforts.

    • Partner with us to offer resources, services, or collaborate on events that benefit our community.

    • Follow us on social media, share our mission, and help us reach black women that you feel will benefit from our services.

    • Host a fundraiser or awareness event in your community to support BLK Girl Space.

Sponsorship Packages

We believe in supporting our community by any means necessary. Our sponsorship packages are to benefit us so that we can support different organizations. With your donations, funds will be used to support the community that we serve. Our sponsorship packages also consist of social media shoutout, spokesperson from organization at 1-2 events, logo displayed on website and marketing materials. We are building lifelong partnerships. Support us, support you.

Girl, Heal. (Support a space)$300+

Our monthly group therapy sessions offers free mental health service for black women. Each month there will be a different topic to discuss with a licensed professional.

  • Cost of monthly space

  • Snacks and beverages

  • Marketing materials

  • Office Supplies (printing paper, staples, folders, writing utensils, etc.)

Go Getter (Support a scholar) $1,500+

The Ollie Lee Ford Scholarship is for graduating seniors that will continue their secondary education. This program is for young women that have an interest in obtaining their degree in the health and wellness community. Qualified seniors will also receive a mentor to support them during their journey. Our scholarship program requires for girls to meet twice a month to ensure that they are meeting the scholarship requirements.

  • Scholarship starting at $1,500 for qualified seniors

  • Snacks and beverages

  • Marketing materials

  • Branding materials (shirts, hoodies, bags, etc.)

We Got This (Support BLK Girl Fest) $3,000+

BLK Girl Festival is our inaugural event that focuses on health and wellness for black women. This event will consist of performances from local artists, food/ business vendors, and a panel of health and wellness professionals.

  • Event Space

  • Stipend for panel speakers/performers

  • Marketing materials (advertising, banners, flyers, etc.)

  • Event decorum

  • stipend for workers (photographer, videographer, DJ, etc.)

Support BLK Girl Space

Every donation, no matter the size, directly impacts the lives of black women on their healing journeys and helps promote health equity and well-being.
